
  • Frame the black marker in the viewfinder of your phone or tablet.
  • Hold your device steady as you look for the image(s) to appear.
  • You can move from side to side to see different angles, but maintain a shot of the full marker in the frame.
  • Move around the show and explore.
  • Search for the gold.


These works’ formal references are drawn from religious funerary rites and American quilts. They explore aesthetics of various power structures and reflect on histories of colonization on lands caught in the crossfire of humans’ thirst for power and material possession. Using dyes made from soils collected from these sites, I constructed quilts as both a reference for land plots and lotteries and connotations of gridded games that emphasize acquisition. The quilted relics also embody my connection to and reflection on women who used their craft as an expression of power in such forms as abolitionist and temperance quilts.

Those mud-dyed quilts were then scanned and digitized, translated into a digital relic or replica similar to the CNC carved wooden terrains. These tapestries are inspired by the log-cabin style and the wedding ring style of American quilts. These two styles are quintessential representations of the domestic roles women were forced to play. The latest political regime that we are currently in has brought me to question the role government plays in defining women’s rights and choices.

While touching on our nation’s painful past and present, I offer glimpses of hope for a future reciprocity between man and earth in augmented reality. Grids of 3d scanned healing stones, photos, and digital terrains traverse the relics of the show, like lingering spirits of a world long gone. They reinforce the feeling of a here-ness and a not-here-ness, as the viewer becomes involved in a digital exploration. The url offers an alternative perspective, but it comes at a cost as your device begins to mine cryptocurrency as long as the url is open, reflecting on the relationship of the user and the used.